Saturday, April 01, 2006

Ouy Lin

Ouy Lin, originally uploaded by Jason B..

UPDATE - November 2006: This sign is now gone.

Here is a current photo of the
building without the sign in front.

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Ominous, originally uploaded by Jason B..

, originally uploaded by Jason B..

Wishing Well Motel

Wishing Well Motel, originally uploaded by Jason B..

US 62, Oklahoma City, OK

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Robinson Ave. looking north

Robinson Ave. looking north, originally uploaded by Jason B..

Near SW 15th and Robinson, Oklahoma City, OK

SW 25th (Commerce Street)

SW 25th (Commerce Street), originally uploaded by Jason B..

Capitol Hill neighborhood, Oklahoma City, OK

Another sunset

Another sunset, originally uploaded by Jason B..

My favorite time of the day.

, originally uploaded by Jason B..

Oklahoma City, OK